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1663, The Royal Government – Societies and Territories
Absolute monarchs

The Reign of Louis XIV in France: Accomplishments ...

Louis XIV, the self-named 'Sun King', who was often referred to as Louis the Great, reigned for over 70 years in 17th- and 18th-century France. Louis' Minority and the king louis xiv government Fronde

Louis XIV, France’s Sun King Louis XIV, France’s Sun King, had the longest reign in European history (1643-1715). king louis xiv government During this time he brought absolute monarchy to its height, established a glittering court at Versailles, and fought most of the other European countries in four wars.

10 Remarkable Facts About French King Louis XIV, 'The Sun ...

Dec 12, 2019 · King Louis XIV (1638–1715) ruled over France for 72 years, king louis xiv government and is famed for his grand palace at Versailles and his belief in the absolute power of monarchs. Here, historian Philip Mansel shares 10 quick facts about the Sun King…

Louis was born on 5 September 1638 at St Germain-en-Laye. He became king at the age of four on the death of his father, Louis XIII. While Louis was a child, his mother, Anne of Austria, served as ...

Louis XIV (Louis Dieudonné; 5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715), known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the Sun King (le Roi Soleil), was King of France from 14 May 1643 until his death in 1715. His reign of 72 years and 110 days is the longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country in European history. Louis XIV's France was emblematic of the age of absolutism in Europe.

Louis’s abuse of power led to revolution that would inspire the call for democratic government throughout the world “L’etat, c’est moi,” “I am the state,” said King Louis XIV of France. Louis believed that he was the only one responsible for governing France when he ruled from 1643 to 1715.

Age of Absolutism: King Louis XIV

Times New Roman Default Design Age of Absolutism: King Louis XIV Absolutism Absolute Monarchy in France Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715) Slide 5 Châteaux de Versailles Court Life at Versailles Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683) Domestic Policies Wars & Expansion under Louis XIV War of Spanish Succession Treaty of Utrecht (1713) The End of an Era The ...

The Louis XIV quiz: 15 questions by Louise Boisen Schmidt

How much do you know about the Sun King?: As a child, what was Louis XIV referred to as?, Before Louis XIV turned it into his magnificent palace, what wa...

Louis XIV (Louis the Great, the Sun King, French: The Roi ...

Louis XIV was the son of Louis XIII, king of France, and the Spanish queen Anne of Austria. He succeeded his father to the throne before he turned five. In 1648, when he was nine years old, a rebellion of the nobility against the crown started a civil war that lasted until 1653.